Forums - HCI-UART baudrate changes unexpectedly

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HCI-UART baudrate changes unexpectedly
Join Date: 31 Aug 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-08-31 15:50


Running in Linux 4.19 we run into the problem, that the Modem is changing the baudrate randomly and unexpectedly from 3 Mbps to 2.56Mbps which lead into decoding errors and a complete reset of the driver.

QCA9377-3 Murata 1PJ module.

We were analyzing the serial output and cound not identify a pattern when this ocures. The Linux UART is still sending at the correct baudrate but the Modem drops into replying with the (lower) wrong baudrate.

We tried also supplying external 32.768kHz, the problem remains the same.

Can anyone help on this issue?


Kind regards

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Join Date: 12 Oct 17
Posts: 29
Posted: Tue, 2021-08-31 23:52

Hi marcellinus,

Could you please share us below details:

1. what is the steps you are following to replicate the issue?

2. could you please capture the dmesg logs for the baud rate chagnes. 


Matadeen Mishra

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