Forums - Memory isssue for Shared lib

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Memory isssue for Shared lib
Join Date: 2 Feb 21
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2021-03-15 23:11

When I tried pushing my binary onto the device along with a shared library file the device says it is out of memory. Is there a way to resolve this?

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Join Date: 17 Sep 20
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2021-03-16 05:10

Hi Allen, you can check the 'df' command for seeing the disk usage, if the memory in root directory is filled completely, then you can add the shared library in the data folder. below running the executable command, you can use the below script for linking the library.

          export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/data/shared_lib/

else you can create a soft link of shared library in usr/lib/ path.



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