Forums - MSDC Middleware

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MSDC Middleware
Join Date: 29 Apr 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2019-06-25 06:02

Hello there;

We have maden an Android OTT  Box which has Qualcomm's LTE module.  We are trying to implement your middleware solution to be able to get eMBMS data. 
There is an company that provides middleware for all modules. But we want to use Qualcomm's MSDC for this.
I asked the module vendor to give us this middleware but they don't have any document or codes for this. Can you please help me to implement your MSDC solution on our OTT Box.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Regards

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Join Date: 20 May 19
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2019-07-03 04:26

Android OTT Box is based on which Qualcomm chipset.  Is it based on which android version P or Q ?

From Android P onwards, Google defined embms APIs.

Google APIs are now supported by Qualcom MW 5.x.

MW 5.x you will receive along with APPs code, chipset customer need to sign licensing agreement to use this.



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Join Date: 29 Apr 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2019-07-03 06:58

Dear Sir; 

Thank you very much for your reply. 
The module is Neoway 720 and it's based on Qualcomm MDM9607.  
For android version we are currently working on Android P and it's not ready yet. But our sample runs Android N.

Is there any support for MDM models and if the module vendor doesn't have licensing agreement is there any way to get it from Qualcomm?

Can we sign licensing agreement with Qualcomm to get MW 5.x?  Or is there any embms modem API support from Qualcomm for MDM9607 to implement middleware from 3rd part companies?

Best Regards




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