Forums - Stack offload mode

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Stack offload mode
Join Date: 25 Jun 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2019-06-26 04:22

Hi There,

In our embedded appllication using the Renesas Synergy S7G2 MCU, we will be using a WiFi module that has the QCA4002. We need to ensure we use the TC/IP stack on the Renesas Synergy MCU and not use the stack on the QCA4002. 

Please confirm that all firmware versions of the QCA4002 support the ability to disable the stack offload feature?

Also confirm that the QCA4004 also enables one to not use the stack offload?




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jbhanu Moderator
Join Date: 6 Feb 17
Posts: 80
Posted: Wed, 2019-06-26 21:26


Yes, You can enable non-offload mode. QCA4002 would pass all IP packets to MCU when this mode enabled. 

Please refer to section7(Driver Porting guide) in 80-Y9106-1_A_QCA4002_QCA4004_Hosted_MQX1_1_PG.pdf doc  too 


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